Membership at St. Luke’s
Any person baptized in the parish is considered a baptized member. Any person who is a parishioner in another Episcopal Church who wishes to become a member of the Church of St. Luke’s may do so by requesting a letter of transfer from their previous parish.
Any person who wishes to become a member of St. Luke’s and is not a parishioner in either another Episcopal Church or in a church in communion with the Episcopal Church may establish membership by having proof of their baptism recorded in the parish’s register.
Members, also known as communicants, are considered active members, or communicants in good standing, if they worship regularly, and are faithful in working, praying, and giving for spread of the Kingdom during the past year.
Communicants in good standing, that is, those persons who are members of the parish and have worshipped regularly in the parish and have made regular contributions (either a pledge to the parish or regular, traceable, offerings) for the past year, and are eighteen years of age and over, are eligible to vote in parish elections and to hold office.