Historically Black * Radically Inclusive * Walking With Jesus
Welcome to St. Luke’s
St. Luke’s is a diverse and welcoming congregation in the heart of East Knoxville. Our mission is to invite everyone to Christ’s table and to offer fellowship, love, justice, healing and caring to all.

Worship at St. Luke’s is vibrant, celebratory and liturgical – which means “the work of the people.” As we follow the Rite II Liturgy from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer each Sunday, we seek to balance reverence and joy, expression and reflection. The use of music in our worship plays an important part and represents a diverse blend of hymns, chants, African-American spirituals, gospel songs, and contemporary Christian music. We value excellence in preaching with sermons based on Holy Scripture.
St. Luke’s is a congregation which embraces and celebrates its diversity while at the same time recognizes our oneness in Christ. “The Beloved Community” is indeed the word that best describes our congregation. We are ready to embrace all people who come through our doors and to offer them the unconditional love and acceptance of God through Jesus Christ.
We invite you to "taste and see that the Lord is good" and come and worship with us on Sunday!
For Black History Month 2023 - Black Resistance: A Journey to Equality. Our week by week journey.